Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Online Science Text - Pearson Success Net

We reviewed how to access the Pearson Success Net online text for Science class today with all of the classes.
As a reminder the steps to log in are:
  1. go to
  2. login using the user name and password that was handed out in class.
  3. click the 'to do' button on the Water and the Atmosphere content area
  4. complete all of the activities (all of the tabs) by typing in your answers and then printing your answer screens to place in your binders.
  5. take notes as you read, your notes will help with the test.
DO NOT click the "I'm Done" button until you have completed ALL of the four tabs for each section.

If you have clicked "I'm Done" I will go in and start scoring, if you are not finished, I will reopen the work pages for you only until the due date.

If you have any questions, please email me at or leave a comment below.

If you lose or forget your password, see me in class. I will not email a user name nor password to you.


  1. My Pearson account still isn't working and I won't be able to have section 1.3 done by tomorrow.

    1. Julianna, I will be ordering the regular workbooks for the 7th and 8th grade very shortly.

      have a great night!
