Saturday, September 7, 2013

Please read - Pearson Success Net update and notice

Several students and parents have emailed me or called concerning the Pearson online text that we are trying this Fall. Since so many students are having trouble with they system, either compatibility with their networks, printing or saving we will stop using it NOW!

All students who have completed sections of chapter one will receive full credit for doing so, all other students will receive an extension on the sections until the workbooks arrive, or we complete the section in class.

To be fair to all of the kids, I have asked for, and received, permission to order the workbook texts that are the print version of the same materials. Until the workbooks arrive we will be completing the reading assignments during our class periods, using the SmartBoard, and writing answers in student binders.

This will slow things down a bit related to our lab work, but with luck the workbooks will arrive quickly and we can pick up the pace with more hands on labs.

Please contact me either by leaving a comment here or emailing me directly with any concerns that you may have on this issue.

1 comment:

  1. hello, it is jess i was wondering if you got mine...i finished and turned it in today.
